Saturday, January 22, 2011

Atma Gnan To Keval Gnan

(Knowledge of the Self to Absolute Knowledge)

Self-realization in one hour

Dadashri: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up in the middle of the night at two o’clock?

Questioner: That I am a Pure Soul (Shuddhatma)

Dadashri: The first thing that most people tend to remember, are the things most dear to them. One can never discern that which is imperceptible. That is why the soul (Atma) is regarded as mysterious and perfect, free from darkness and ignorance.

Ordinarily, the awareness of, “I am Shuddhatma” is not discerned, but here, within an hour by the grace and divine powers of Akram Gnani and blessings from the higher celestial beings, (Dev Loka), you attain an extraordinarily high level of Spiritual State.

When you meet a Gnani Purush (fully enlightened being), the path of total liberation (Moksh), becomes very simple and easy. It is even easier than cooking rice! Otherwise the path to liberation would take billions of years to reach. Through a Gnani Purush, this path is attained in a very short time by means of a unique short cut. This knowledge that I give you is the knowledge of the Vitraag (one free from all worldly attachments) Lords. However, our method is different. Our method is “Akram” (literally meaning no steps). Your entire perception changes completely. The awareness of the Soul (your real Self) is achieved within one hour. In the traditional path (Kramic Margh- step by step path) of liberation, this realization of “I am the Pure Soul” is not attained until the very end. People have endeavored in many ways, they have put forth tremendous effort (purusharth) and have tried many different ways to achieve Self-Realization. Even for a moment’s glimpse of the Soul, seekers have undertaken all kinds of strenuous efforts and methods to no avail! The Gnanis who progress in the Kramic Margh, do not attain the permanent awareness of “I am Shuddhatma,” until the very end. For you, this stage of awareness is attainted easily and within one hour and what is more this awareness will remain with you forever.

Achievement of Self-Realization

Questioner: After having acquired this Gnan from you, I feel bliss, which is not related to any external objects. Now I only yearn for moksh.

Dadashri: You have taken the Gnan? Now you have acquired the conviction that you are the Pure Soul. Now remain in this conviction all the time. Read the small book – Charan Vidhi” every day. Are you not convinced that you are a pure soul? Are you experiencing the bliss?

Questioner: Yes, very much so.

Dadashri: That is the bliss of soul. The soul within you is now awake. You have been awakened from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Self Knowledge. Many of your karmas have been destroyed in the “fire” of this Knowledge. Do you spontaneously remember that you are a pure soul or do you have to make an effort to do so?

Questioner: I remember it spontaneously and constantly.

Dadashri: It remains with you all day long, does it not? Your work is done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is awesome stuff you did the countdown of janmjayanti.