Thursday, February 3, 2011

Atma Gnan To Keval Gnan

(Knowledge of the Self to Absolute Knowledge)

The right vehicle is necessary
Questioner: Now, all I yearn for is liberation.

Dadashri: The desire for total liberation is not necessary now because liberation will come by itself. You only need to sit in this “train” (train of Mokska). For example if you board the train bound for Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad will arrive in time. You do not have to keep wishing for Ahmedabad. Similarly, from now on it is not necessary for you to yearn for liberation. Having sat in this train of liberation, you may continue to do your personal work. This train will take you to Moksha. If you have any problems or obstructions along the way, then all you have to do is earnestly remember Dada Bhagawan (other name for Perfect Soul within) for one hour.
Wrong understanding is gone and awareness of right understanding is achieved

Dadashri: When did you receive the right understanding (samkit)?

Questioner: Two months ago.

Dadashri: In the two months the plant of knowledge has thrived well. The second day of the moon will become the third day and it will continue to progress gradually until it reaches the full moon stage. The full moon is equivalent to perfect absolute knowledge (Keval Gnan). After acquiring self-realization, no new karmas are being charged; the charging of all new karmas has stopped. There is no more anger, pride, attachment, and greed.

Questioner: What is the root cause of this wrong understanding?

Dadashri: Are you really Chandulal or the pure soul?

Questioner: Now, I am the pure soul.

Dadashri: “I am really Chandubhai,” is a wrong belief and this wrong belief is now gone. That wrong understanding (Bhranti) is gone. Now you simply have to sincerely follow the Five Agnas (Dada’s five cardinal guidelines that one must abide by for spiritual progress) that I have given you.

Questioner: Is the constant awareness of, ‘I am a pure soul’, the seed of right understanding? Is that called Samkit?

Dadashri: Yes, this can be called samkit, or it can also be called Bodhbeej (seed of right understanding).
Difference between Self and Non-Self
There is a line of demarcation within you between, the Self and the non-self. Chandulal and all of his possessions belong to the non-self and your real Self, the soul is your true Self (I=Self and my = non-self). No part of the Self is to be entwined with the non-self, and no part of the non-self is to be entwined with the Self.
You have to understand only this
There is nothing more for you to know. The soul is the only thing you need to know and that, you already know now. If you can completely grasp this understanding in this lifetime, you will achieve victory over everything. You will recover the losses of infinite lifetimes in just this one lifetime.