Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today's Swami Vivekananda QUOTE

The embodiment of freedom, the Master of nature, is what we call God. You cannot deny God, because you cannot move or live without the idea of freedom.
From a lecture on "What Is Religion?". Complete Works, 1.336.

Have a kind word for all--it spoils work to show temper. Let people say whatever they like, stick to your own convictions, and rest assured, the world will be at your feet.
Letter to his brother-disciples. Written in Bengali from New York on September 25, 1894. Complete Works, 6.274.

Without worshiping the Divine Mother, we can never know ourselves. All-merciful, all-powerful, omnipresent are attributes of Divine Mother. She is the sum total of the energy in the universe. Every manifestation of power in the universe is "Mother." She is life, she is intelligence, she is love. She is in the universe yet separate from it. She is a person and can be seen and known (as Sri Ramakrishna saw and knew her). Established in the idea of Mother, we can do anything. She quickly answers prayers.
Retreat given at the Thousand Island Park, USA. June 30, 1895. Complete Works, 7.26-27.

They say, "Have faith in this fellow or that fellow," but I say, "Have faith in yourself first," that's the way. Have faith in yourself--all power is in you--be conscious and bring it out.
Letter to his brother-disciples. Written in Bengali from New York on September 25, 1894. Complete Works, 6.274.

The Divine Mother can show herself to us in any form at any moment. She can have form and name, or name without form. As we worship her in these various aspects we can rise to pure Being, having neither form nor name.
Retreat given at the Thousand Island Park, USA. June 30, 1895. Complete Works, 7.27.

The whole of nature is worship of God. Wherever there is life, there is the search for freedom--and this freedom is the same as God.
From a lecture on "What Is Religion?". Complete Works, 1.337.

Say, "I can do everything." "Even the poison of a snake is powerless if you can firmly deny it." Beware! No saying "nay," no negative thoughts! Say, "Yea, yea," So'ham, So'ham, "I am he! I am he!"
Letter to his brother-disciples. Written in Bengali from New York on September 25, 1894. Complete Works, 6.274.

The scientist does not tell you to believe in anything, but he has certain results which come from his own experiences, and reasoning on them when he asks us to believe in his conclusions, he appeals to some universal experience of humanity. In every exact science there is a basis which is common to all humanity, so that we can at once see the truth or the fallacy of the conclusions drawn therefrom.
From Swamiji's book "Raja Yoga," Chapter One, "Introductory." Complete Works, 1.125.

God is Mother and has two natures, the conditioned and the unconditioned. As the former, she is God, nature and soul. As the latter, she is unknown and unknowable. Out of the unconditioned came the trinity--God, nature and soul, the triangle of existence. This is the Visishtadvaita idea.
Retreat given at the Thousand Island Park, USA. June 30, 1895. Complete Works, 7.27

On you lie the future hopes of our country. I feel extreme pain to see you leading a life of inaction. Set yourself to work--to work! Do not tarry--the time of death is approaching day by day. Do not sit idle, thinking that everything will be done in time, later on. Mind--nothing will be done that way!
Conversations recorded in Bengali. From the diary of Sarat Chandra Chakravarty. Complete Works, 5.384.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Atma Gnan To Keval Gnan

(Knowledge of the Self to Absolute Knowledge)

Self-realization in one hour

Dadashri: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up in the middle of the night at two o’clock?

Questioner: That I am a Pure Soul (Shuddhatma)

Dadashri: The first thing that most people tend to remember, are the things most dear to them. One can never discern that which is imperceptible. That is why the soul (Atma) is regarded as mysterious and perfect, free from darkness and ignorance.

Ordinarily, the awareness of, “I am Shuddhatma” is not discerned, but here, within an hour by the grace and divine powers of Akram Gnani and blessings from the higher celestial beings, (Dev Loka), you attain an extraordinarily high level of Spiritual State.

When you meet a Gnani Purush (fully enlightened being), the path of total liberation (Moksh), becomes very simple and easy. It is even easier than cooking rice! Otherwise the path to liberation would take billions of years to reach. Through a Gnani Purush, this path is attained in a very short time by means of a unique short cut. This knowledge that I give you is the knowledge of the Vitraag (one free from all worldly attachments) Lords. However, our method is different. Our method is “Akram” (literally meaning no steps). Your entire perception changes completely. The awareness of the Soul (your real Self) is achieved within one hour. In the traditional path (Kramic Margh- step by step path) of liberation, this realization of “I am the Pure Soul” is not attained until the very end. People have endeavored in many ways, they have put forth tremendous effort (purusharth) and have tried many different ways to achieve Self-Realization. Even for a moment’s glimpse of the Soul, seekers have undertaken all kinds of strenuous efforts and methods to no avail! The Gnanis who progress in the Kramic Margh, do not attain the permanent awareness of “I am Shuddhatma,” until the very end. For you, this stage of awareness is attainted easily and within one hour and what is more this awareness will remain with you forever.

Achievement of Self-Realization

Questioner: After having acquired this Gnan from you, I feel bliss, which is not related to any external objects. Now I only yearn for moksh.

Dadashri: You have taken the Gnan? Now you have acquired the conviction that you are the Pure Soul. Now remain in this conviction all the time. Read the small book – Charan Vidhi” every day. Are you not convinced that you are a pure soul? Are you experiencing the bliss?

Questioner: Yes, very much so.

Dadashri: That is the bliss of soul. The soul within you is now awake. You have been awakened from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Self Knowledge. Many of your karmas have been destroyed in the “fire” of this Knowledge. Do you spontaneously remember that you are a pure soul or do you have to make an effort to do so?

Questioner: I remember it spontaneously and constantly.

Dadashri: It remains with you all day long, does it not? Your work is done!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Today's Swami Vivekananda QUOTE

Any student who wants to practice Raja Yoga is earnestly reminded that yoga can only be safely learnt by direct contact with a teacher.
From Swamiji's preface to his book, Raja Yoga. Complete Works, 1.123.

If you are ready to sacrifice your life for others, God will certainly provide some means for those who depend on you. Haven't you read in the Gita (6.40) the words of Sri Krishna: "Never does a doer of good, O my beloved, come to grief"?
Conversations recorded in Bengali. From the diary of Sarat Chandra Chakravarty. Complete Works, 5.382.
Mother is the first manifestation of power and is considered a higher idea than father. With the name of Mother comes the idea of Ĺšakti, divine energy and omnipotence, just as a baby believes its mother to be all-powerful, able to do anything.
Retreat given at the Thousand Island Park, USA. June 30, 1895. Complete Works, 7.26.

Always remember that Sri Ramakrishna came for the good of the world--not for name or fame. Spread only what he came to teach. Never mind his name--it will spread of itself. Directly you insist on everybody's accepting your Guru, you will be creating a sect, and everything will fall to the ground--so beware!
Letter to his brother-disciples. Written in Bengali from New York on September 25, 1894. Complete Works, 6.274.
Freedom, O Freedom! Freedom, O Freedom!" is the song of the soul. Bondage, alas, or to be bound in nature, seems its fate.
From a lecture on "What Is Religion?". Complete Works, 1.335.
Great people are those who build highways for others with their heart's blood. This has been taking place through eternity, that one builds a bridge by laying down his own body, and thousands of others cross the river through its help. Evam astu, evam astu. Shivo'ham! Shivo'ham! "Be it so, be it so! I am Shiva! I am Shiva!"
Letter to his brother-disciples. Written in Bengali from New York on Sep 25, 1894. CW, 6.273-74.

We have been stifling our inner voice long enough, seeking to follow law and quiet the human nature, but there is the human instinct to rebel against nature's laws. We may not understand what the meaning is, but there is that unconscious struggle of the human with the spiritual, of the lower with the higher mind, and the struggle attempts to preserve one's separate life, what we call our "individuality."
From a lecture on "What Is Religion?". Complete Works, 1.334-35.


All the orthodox systems of Indian philosophy have one goal in view, the liberation of the soul through perfection. The method is by yoga. The word yoga covers an immense ground, but both the Samkhya and Vedanta Schools point to yoga in some form or other.
From Swamiji's preface to his book, Raja Yoga. Complete Works, 1.122.
Even the least work done for others awakens the power within; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart the strength of a lion. I love you all ever so much, but I wish you all to die working for others--I should rather be glad to see you do that!
Conversations recorded in Bengali. From the diary of Sarat Chandra Chakravarty. Complete Works, 5.382.