Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Greetings 2013 !!!

 Good Bye 2012

"Don't think about yesterday, 
think about 
because tomorrow is a 
to correct the mistakes
of yesterday

Best Regards,
Ank_Mht Group team.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's Vivekananda Quotes !

 What is karma yoga? It is the knowledge of the secret of work. We see that the whole universe is working. ... Instead of being knocked about in this universe, and after long delay and thrashing, getting to know things as they are, we learn from karma yoga the secret of work, the method of work, the organizing power of work.
Class on Karma Yoga. New York, January 10, 1896. Complete Works, 1.99.
Karma yoga makes us admit that this world is a world of five minutes, that it is something we have to pass through, and that freedom is not here but is only to be found beyond. To find the way out of the bondages of the world we have to go through it slowly and surely. There may be a few exceptional persons who can stand aside and give up the world, as a snake casts off its skin and stands aside and looks at it. There are no doubt these exceptional beings. But the rest of us have to go slowly through the world of work. Karma yoga shows the process, the secret, and the method of doing it to the best advantage.
Class on Karma Yoga. New York, January 10, 1896. Complete Works, 1.99-100.
Hindus spend their lives with the name of the Ganga on their lips, they die immersed in the waters of the Ganga, people from far off places take away Ganga water with them, keep it carefully in copper vessels, and sip drops of it on holy festive occasions. ... The Gita and the sacred waters of the Ganga constitute the Hinduism of the Hindus.
From "Memoirs of European Travel," written in Bengali. Complete Works, 7.300-301.
Whenever I drank a few drops of Ganga water, that stream of people, that intense activity of the West, that clash and competition at every step, those seats of luxury and celestial opulence--Paris, London, New York, Berlin, Rome--all would disappear and I used to hear that wonderful sound of "Hara, Hara," to see that lonely forest on the sides of the Himalayas, and feel the murmuring heavenly river coursing through the heart and brain and every artery of the body and thundering forth, "Hara, Hara, Hara!"
From "Memoirs of European Travel," written in Bengali. Complete Works, 7.301.
Never say "mine." Whenever we say a thing is "mine," misery will immediately come. Do not even say "my child" in your mind. Possess the child, but do not say "mine." If you do, then will come misery.
Class on Karma Yoga. New York, January 10, 1896. Complete Works, 1.100.
If we think of our death always, won't the spirit break down and the heart be overpowered by despondency?

Vivekananda: Quite so. At first, the heart will break down, and despondency and gloomy thoughts will occupy your mind. But persist, let days pass like that-and then? Then you will see that new strength has come into the heart, that the constant thought of death is giving you a new life and is making you more and more thoughtful by bringing every moment before your mind's eye the truth of the saying, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity!" Wait! Let days, months, and years pass, and you will feel that the spirit within is waking up with the strength of a lion, that the little power within has transformed itself into a mighty power! Think of death always, and you will realize the truth of every word I say.
Conversations recorded in Bengali by Surendra Nath Das Gupta. Complete Works, 5. 329-30.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HaPpY NEW Year...........

Wish You Happy Diwali 
And A Prosperous NewYear Ahead

With Best Regards,

ANK_MHT Group Team....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



with Best Regards,
ANK_MHT Group Team

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today's Vivekananda Quotes !


The big firms of dress makers set the fashions nowadays. We can form no idea of the millions of pounds that are spent every year in the making of dress in the West. The dress making business has become a regular science. What color of dress will suit with the complexion of the girl and the color of her hair, what special feature of her body should be disguised, and what displayed to the best advantage--these and many other like important points, the dress makers have seriously to consider. Again, the dress that ladies of very high position wear, others have to wear also, otherwise they lose their caste! This is "fashion."

From "The East and the West," originally written in Bengali. Complete Works, 5.468.

The Westerners do not stop at the mere acquisition of the objects of enjoyment, but in all their actions they seek for a sort of beauty and grace. In eating and drinking, in their homes and surroundings, in everything, they want to see an all-round elegance.

From "The East and the West," originally written in Bengali. Complete Works, 5.474.

The life of each nation has a moral purpose of its own, and the manners and customs of a nation must be judged from the standpoint of that purpose. The Westerners should be seen through their eyes; to see them through our eyes, and for them to see us through theirs--both these are mistakes.

From "The East and the West," originally written in Bengali. Complete Works, 5.514.

It is a most difficult thing to give up is the clinging to this universe; few ever attain to that. There are two ways to do that: one way is called neti neti ("not this, not this"), the other is called iti iti ("this, this"). The former is the negative, the latter is the positive way.

The negative way is the most difficult. It is only possible to people of the very highest, exceptional minds and gigantic wills who simply stand up and say, "No, I will not have this," and the mind and body obey their will, and they come out successful. But such people are rare.

The vast majority choose the positive way, the way through the world, making use of all the bondages themselves to break those very bondages. This is also a kind of giving up; only it is done slowly and gradually, by knowing things, enjoying things and thus obtaining experience, and knowing the nature of things until the mind lets them all go at last and becomes unattached.

The former way of obtaining non-attachment is by reasoning, and the latter way is through work and experience. The first is the path of Jñāna Yoga, the second is that of Karma Yoga.

Class on Karma Yoga. New York, January 10, 1896. Complete Works, 1.97.

A current rushing down of its own nature falls into a hollow and makes a whirlpool and, after running a little in that whirlpool, it emerges again in the form of the free current to go on unchecked. Each human life is like that current. It gets into the whirl, gets involved in this world of space, time and causation, whirls round a little, crying out, "my father, my brother, my name, my fame," and so on, and at last emerges out of it and regains its original freedom. The whole universe is doing that.

Whether we know it or not, whether we are conscious or unconscious of it, we are all working to get out of the dream of the world. Our experience in the world is to enable us to get out of its whirlpool.

Class on Karma Yoga. New York, January 10, 1896. Complete Works, 1.98-99.

What is karma yoga? It is the knowledge of the secret of work. We see that the whole universe is working. ... Instead of being knocked about in this universe, and after long delay and thrashing, getting to know things as they are, we learn from karma yoga the secret of work, the method of work, the organizing power of work.

Class on Karma Yoga. New York, January 10, 1896. Complete Works, 1.99.


Friday, May 18, 2012

The U-Turn


This is a movie named THE U-TURN which has been made by the mumbai Y-MHT team (a part of dadabhagwan group).

This video is based on ill-effects of kusang.

Its my pleasure to share with all of you.......

Have a Look on it........


Best Regards,
ANK_MHT Group Team.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Simandhar Swami JANM KALYANAK Din 2012......

आप Rakesh का फोटो एल्बम देखने के लिए आमंत्रित हैं:

Simandhar Swami JANM KALYANAK Din 2012


Video of Bhakti - Aarti with YMHT - BOYS / GIRLS & All Mahatma :

Simandhar Swami JANM KALYANAK Din 2012 on Date : 15-04-2012

Album Posted on Date : 19-04-2012

द्वारा Rakesh

We celebrate SIMANDHAR SWAMI Bhagwan's Janm Kalyanak Din @ Jalaram Mandir Hall, Diva Road, Ankleshwar.
In this celebration, lots of Mahatma's, YMHT - Boys as well as GIRLS also have come and do PUJAN - DARSHAN - BHAKTI with Aarti of SWAMI & DADA. Some of them have taken GNAN recently during PUJYASHREE visit Ankleshwar in December 2011.
It's my pleasure to share with all of you.
Have look on it.........
एल्बम अवलोकन करें

स्लाइड शो चलाएँ 


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

HOLI Greetings 2012 !!!!

May God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship, colors of love and all other colors you want to paint in your life.

Happy Holi.... .


Best Regards,
ANK_MHT Group Team...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today's Vivekananda Quotes !

The whole scope of all systems of yoga (and each religion represents one) is to remove ignorance and allow the Ātman to restore its own nature. The chief helps in this liberation are abhyāsa and vairāgya. Vairāgya is non-attachment to life, because it is the will to enjoy that brings all this bondage in its train; and abhyāsa is constant practice of any one of the yogas.
Written during Swamiji's first visit to America, in response to questions put by a Western disciple. Complete Works, 8.152.
Our tendencies are the result of past conscious actions. A child is born with certain tendencies. Whence do they come? No child is born with a tabula rasa--with a clean, blank page--of a mind. The page has been written on previously. The old Greek and Egyptian philosophers taught that no child came with a vacant mind. Each child comes with a hundred tendencies generated by past conscious actions. The child did not acquire these in this life, and we are bound to admit that it must have acquired them in past lives.
Talk given at Unity Hall, Hartford (Connecticut), USA, on March 8, 1895, as reported in "Hartford Times" (March 11, 1895). Complete Works, 1.320-21.
"Dependence is misery. Independence is happiness." Advaita is the only system that gives us complete control over ourselves, takes off all dependence and its associated superstitions, thus making us brave to suffer, brave to do, and in the long run, attain to absolute freedom.
Written by Swami Vivekananda in March 1899, for the prospectus of the Advaita Ashrama at Mayavati in the Himalayas. Complete Works, 5:435-36.
With every person, there is an idea. The external person is only the outward manifestation, the mere language of this idea within. Likewise, every nation has a corresponding national idea. The idea is working for the world and is necessary for its preservation. The day when the necessity of an idea as an element for the preservation of the world is over, that very day the receptacle of that idea, whether it be an individual or a nation, will meet destruction.
From "The East and the West," originally written in Bengali. Complete Works, 5.443.
Can we see God? Of course not. Can we know God? Of course not. If God can be known, He will be God no longer. Knowledge is limitation. But I and my Father are one: I find the reality in my soul. These ideas are expressed in some religions, and in others only hinted.
Talk given at Unity Hall, Hartford (Connecticut), USA, on March 8, 1895, as reported in "Hartford Times" (March 11, 1895). Complete Works, 1.323.
If you believe in the existence of God, you will be reminded of him at every step of your life.
Selections from the Belur Math Diary. Complete Works, 5.318.
Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. If we can bring ourselves down by our karma, surely it is in our power to raise ourselves by it.
Interview in The Hindu. Chennai, 1896. Complete Works, 5.213-14.